Polish FlyEye Drones Delivered to Malaysia
December 17,2024
By:Our Bureau
Poland’s WB Group recently announced the delivery of the first batch of FlyEye unmanned aerial systems to Malaysia, making it the latest country to adopt the Polish drones. Prior to this, Malaysian soldiers received training in drone operations at facilities in Silesia, Poland.
The FlyEye drone, developed by Flytronic, a company based in Gliwice, Poland, has been in service for nearly 15 years. Initially adopted by Polish Special Forces, who continue to use it extensively, the system is also utilised by the Polish Armed Forces, including the Territorial Defence Forces, as well as the armed forces and uniformed services of several other countries. Since 2015, Ukraine has also incorporated FlyEye drones into its military operations. In March 2024, WB Group announced the delivery of its 1,000th FlyEye unit in version 3.x.
Designed for portability and ease of operation, the FlyEye system can be packed into two backpacks and launched directly from the operator’s hand, requiring no additional equipment for takeoff. Its landing process involves two stages: the task module, which houses the observation head, descends safely with a parachute, while the drone glides to the ground separately.
The FlyEye operates primarily as a motor glider, with its electric motor activated only for altitude adjustments and manoeuvres, further enhancing its stealth capabilities. WB Group, a prominent producer of unmanned aerial systems, has recently signed agreements to supply more than 110 FlyEye sets to the Polish Armed Forces, further demonstrating its capabilities in advanced defence technologies.
The FlyEye system has a wingspan of 3.6 metres, a length of 1.8 metres, and a maximum speed of 120 km/h. It can reach altitudes of up to 3,000 metres above sea level and offers a flight endurance exceeding 2.5 hours. The drone operates with an online transmission range of 180 kilometres in line-of-sight conditions. Its propulsion system consists of a silent electric motor powered by lithium-polymer batteries, designed to minimise detection during missions.